Oriental Night Out =P
On Friday Night, my colleagues and I went out for a buffet night at Oriental Hotel… Went to their "Melt The Pot" café.. I supposed the name is correct. Dun really rem the name, just can't seem to forget the food.. Went there cos one of the colleagues' frenz is woking there as a manager.. so we got discount, of course.. the original px of the buffet is S$58 per pax.. can you imagine spending S$58.. and i'm not the buffet kind of person so the discount is really gd for us.. it turn out that each of us got to pay only S$19.. gd deal, right..The buffet spread is really gd.. There's the Japanese corner.. With sasimi & lots of sushi.. Then there's the seafood station.. There's cold prawn, lobster and oysters etc etc.. Of course, I din really touch all these except for the cooked sushi… I dun wanna vomit out my food or get a stomach upset after eating all these horrible things.. ke ke ke.. dear wld have enjoy it if he's there..I went for the traditional corner where there's chinese + malay food..got a spread of dory fish, beef, chicken +++ got fish maw soup too… there's also a grilled station located off the balcony of the restaurant.. Tried the bbq chicken and lamp chop and suasages from Germany.. YUMMY YUMMY
we also get to have drinks tog with over meal and a thai food from another restaurant.. All thanks to the compliments from our colleague's frenzs..Of course, I'll not leave out the dessert… ke ke ke.. My favorite section of all.. Almost had a cake of every flavour.. Had freshly made waffles + mixed fruits strudels as well.. Tried the fondue too.. Yum yum…. Oh, there's also the ginseng agar agar that i must talked abt.. real nourishing + real cool stuff..
It has been a great night out with all my colleagues.. Looking forward to the next outing, which is gg to be work out session…BJ organising it.. I'll be organizing the one after hers.. Going to keep a look out on interesting places to go now…the day ended with dear picking me up and giving my colleagues a ride home.. Tks dear, so sweet of you =P

Aerobic Dance Class
I went for my 1st lesson of aerobics dance class on Monday. Previously had taken kick boxing classes but 妹妹 felt that she din sweat enough during the class. Anyway, we 2 wanna try something new, so in the end, we chose this dance class.
For the class that went past, I went alone cos妹妹 fell sick.. down with stomach flu.. but served her right for eating so many junks.. she had durians, ribena, fried chicken wings and pizza… all in the same day…she ended up vomiting and having diarrhea and body aching for the following 2 days.. Now she dared not eat too much already..
The class is led by a middle aged lady, name Margaret.. she looked to be in her late 30s or 40s… but she is so full of energy… we did some warm up exercise.. then some cardio + cardio.. some floor exercise and lastly cool down exercise.. through the class, she used the oldies yet hip music (like fever) to lead us into exercising… quite impressed by her teaching method cos you will really work out..
this class is more of an aerobic class.. the dance is only to make us love it more.. but of course, when there is music, there will be also be dance steps.. the teacher oput in simple steps and I got serious co-ordination problem… catching up with the teacher i.e. speed & stamina is not an issue.. it’s the hand & leg movement that I got problem with.. you see, when u put your right hand up, your left leg should come up… and vice versa.. but I just can’t seem to get it right.. in the end, I go like right hand up with right leg up.. told dear after the class and he was laughing at me… I’ll learn from mistake and I’ll get it right next lesson =P
Think I lazed ard for quite some time after my last kick boxing class stops (just before my wedding).. so after Monday’s lesson, I was aching from top to toe for whole of Tuesday and Wednesday.. I even had difficulties going up and down the steps cos need to stretch mah.. still felt some over stretched effect today.. but at least it’s better now..
This is after all the warm up lesson.. once used to it, subsequent lesson will be so painful anymore..
Peiling ROM Pics..
here's a couple of peiling's rom pictures.. so sweet, right.. peiling got her rom gown from the same bridal shop as me.. Bridal Concept.. her make up is also from same MUA, ivy.. see, told you she's in good hands.. the other group photo consist of my ZHSS (secondary sch) pal.. and AJ frenzs.. there's the familiar faces, Yingqi and Peijuan.. i had to miss it cos of the "clash" thingy and xia xia is in US... there's sharon and jiayi from peiling's class in AJC.. the rest of the guys are mingfang's buddies from ZHSS.. hmm.. haven seen them for quite some time other than Qiji, who also went to my wedding.. the rest of the guys, well.. they really expanded horizontally... ke ke ke...
the guys are all my age.. and they are already like that... dear is already 30..wonder when is dear's turn =P (hee hee hee.. dear going to spank me on my butt when he sees this =P)thought abt my own rom when i see ling's one.. all the fondle memories.. gg to take out my album to revisit the memories again, later tonight ....
Our New Maid
Our new maid, Kusumahnin (not sure if i got the spelling, right...) arrived last Thursday.. me & dear went down to the agency to pick her up abt 7plus..At the agency, the gal in charge asked me if i wanna to go through the maid's luggage.. initially i said "no" and the gal replied me "HUH"... so i assumed i'm supposed to look through the bag... went through that process and i asked the maid to throw away all medication she had with her... no need to have them with her cos our hse got almost all the medication required for common aliments.. i also confiscated her rupiah initially though they are not worth much when translated to SGD.... when asked whether she can cook.. she'l reply "yes yes.. fried rice.. fried chicken wings"... when the gal at the agency asked if she can look after kids.. she immediately reply "NO".. ha ha ha.. expected lar.. no prior experience and she not yet a mummy too.. where's the knowledge.. the agency gal looked at me and before she started, i know wat i'm gg to say.. "we dun need the maid to look after the baby currently"... the maid only know very basic basic english.. so when i talked to her, it's like a chick and a duck communicating.. quite a funny scene... the next day, i gave her some of my clothes for usual wearing.. bought her a pair of slippers and also a piggy bank.. for her to put her rupiah back.. she was happy when she got all the things and the $$ back.. her work attitude so far is ok... very hardworking.. can't seem to sit still.. whenever her normal chores is done.. she'll go ard the hse to clean the wall or start rearranging the things to clean the table top.. she's also a very polite yound lady.. (btw, she is only 24 this yr..2 yrs younger.. gals her age shld be graduating and start wking.. but yet here she is working as a maid.. quite poor thing..) we quite happy with the maid so far.. but of course the maid being so new will also make mistake... the attire that my mum in law wore to my wedding... the maid iron a hole into it.. haven seen the thingy yet but guessed it's quite bad for my mum in law to even talk abt it.. apparently, the iron was too hot and the maid couldn't figure out the direction... last night, dear wanted to have birdnest.. so my mum in law asked the maid to boil some water.. guessed the maid never had a chance to drink or even see birdnest before, so she opended 1 can and pour the birdnest into the heated water.. there goes 1 bottle of birdnest.. luckily she only did that to 1 bottle and my mum in law caught her in the act.. or else, gone will be all the rest of the bottles... ke ke ke...though the maid makes mistakes, but still think that it's our responsibility to teach the maid well.. all in all, the gd of the maid is still more than the bad one =P
New Blogger Version
I upgraded my blog today to the newer version... hurray hurray... finally after a long wait.. intend to do this at work but was too busy with some ongoing projects.. and i can't do it at home too cos dear's pc went on a strike.. (anyway that was an old pc bought in 1999.. so deserved a break too).. managed to steal some time to use my sis's pc...the login is much slower and more troublesome...hope the posting of blog is not as slow... so everyone.. let's keep our fingers crossed...going to rush for my exercise class... 1st lesson today.. planned to go with mei mei but she down with stomach flu.. poor thingy but who asked her to eat so much.... know wat's her diet yesterday?? she ate durians... pizza.. chicken wings.. and drank ribena.. how can her stomach take it.. so that left me alone to attend the 1st lesson.. got to go.. will update you guys when i'm more free at wk =P
2007… New Year Resolution
Hurray… 2007 had came… we welcome 2007 with a series of long weekends.. so cool that the holiday came together as a stretch… =P
But I was still sick.. so most of the time in bed, sleeping.. went to see doc on Tuesday morning after my series of running nose and sore throat din heal by themselves (thought I like wolverine, got healing power.. but too bad I’m not.. ke ke ke)..
However, still have to make resolutions for the new year….
~ Signed up an aerobics dance course with mei mei.. going to exercise more frequent now.. am discussing with dear that once the rain subsides, we’ll go out for more outdoor activities.. now, I’m not afraid of the tan too much cos no need to be so fair already….
~ Hope our new hse will be ready by mid year or end year.. we’ll drive past it every now and then to look at it and currently, it’s at 13th floor.. the window frames for those lower storey are up already… good work, all the construction uncles… keep it up =P
~ hmmm….. ummmm… dun know what resolution I still have cos I think I have everything… ke ke ke…
Anyway, hope all that I and Dear had wished for will come true this year.. and may our careers go up the steps as the days passed… family planning will most prob come after our hse is ready…. Though I know that dear’s family is really looking forward to a baby but guess me and dear are still young.. like what dear says, he’s still a baby… how can he take care of one when he haven even grow up.. ke ke ke… let’s nature take its course bah.. when the time is ripe.. babies will come about too =P
Goodbye 2006…… 5… 4… 3… 2… 1…
I had initially planned to go to Esplanade to watch fireworks and countdown with the crowd…like what we did for the past few years… we even scheduled our movie with our best couple pals to be abt 7plus, so that the timing would just be nice for us to go downtown.. we even planned out our driving route.. we would park our car at Toa Payoh and take mrt to raffles place..
Too bad, I’m down with flu + sore throat.. so serious that dear feels that I’m fit enough to take mrt and squeeze with the crowd.. so sad + disappointing.. but dear promised me fireworks during Chinese new year.. so at least I still get to see something =P
Alternatively, we had planned to go ktv with ll and wq.. but party world is charging per head S$30 plus for a 3 hour singing session.. said that there’s public holiday surcharge in it.. we’re not those die die must sing kind… so why would we pay S$30 plus each to sing only for 3 hrs..
In the end, we decided to go for a supper cum count down ourselves.. went to chomp chomp, café cartel.. ordered hot waffles + ice cream and counting down to 2007 in comfort… we no longer enjoy squeezing with the crowd at Vivo or Sentosa or Orchard… we used to do that.. but now guess we had grown to like other things… crowds are more for the yuppies who are in their teens… well, I’m not that old though but still no longer a teen =P..
Goodbye 2006… 2006 had been a fruitful year for both me & dear .. I switched job from a hectic working schedule to a stable “小女人” job (per my mum’s description)… Dear got promoted… commission was good this year for him.. and I even got quite good bonus from my new co too…went through my customary wedding ceremony this year…. Went traveling to Taipei + Australia…. Etc etc etc….
So many things happen in this short 2006… now 2007 had commenced.. looking forward to the adventure that are going to happen soon =P
Another Mrs in The Group
Hurray… Peiling had joined the team of Mrs in our group after me and xia xia… 30th is Qi’s birthday and now it’s also the day when Ling and Mingfang tied the note… they held their rom at China Square Teahouse.. it’s the rom ceremony cum a dim sum afternoon hightea…
Me and dear couldn’t attend the ceremony cos we’re not allowed to clash with any 喜喜.. and we muz stick to this 4 months before and after our wedding… events like wedding, rom, baby 1st month celebration are absolutely NO NO… sigh.. can only attend happy events after 25 Apr 2007..it’s still so long away….
Anyway, I felt really happy for ling and mingfang.. able to tie the knots (though rom only).. they’re looking at the customary 1 to 2 years down the road.. almost similar to my situation…
Though I can’t attend the rom ceremony, I met up with them for dinner after the eventat Jerry BBQ and Grills at Tanglin Shopping Centre… had a nice and filling dinner, eating ribs, chicken, chicken wings and fried mushroom… yummy yummy..
After the dinner, we went TCC for a drink and I brought my wedding photos for them to see… looking forward to the days when ling developed her rom photos for us to see… hmm, wonder who’s the next in line.. either a rom or a customary…
Death Note 2
Went to catch Death Note 2 on 29th night with Pet and Lee Yang.. Dear din wan to come cos that’s a Jap show… Again, we went to Vivo City cos that had became Pet’s new and most likable hangout cinema in town….
This time round, we catch the show at GV max… GV max is really great.. the screen is super big… and I really mean it’s big… and the seat are very comforty…there are so much leg space between me and the front row and I could do all the stretching I wanna, without disturbing pple.. of course, you can say that my legs are shorter but anyway, that’s not the point =P
The whole point is that GV max is a great cinema to catch a show in…
We had dinner at Crystal Jade Dining In.. this is more atas than crystal jade kitchen, yet less atas than the palace.. we ordered a soup of the day, a ribs, a vege and a noodle.. the portion is for 3 and the bills added up to abt S$80…. Expensive huh… but well, the food is not bad.. worth trying it once in while (too much of it will make you broke soon =).. the view is nice.. there is drop down glasses and you can see the sentosa (or at least the bridge leading to sentosa)..f rom where you are dining…the crowd at Vivo is frightening.. we had to called in the afternoon to make reservation.. you can see food queue all ard you… scary abt the vol that is visiting Vivo each day…
The show itself is nice.. though I read the comics and knew the ending from Lee Yang… there are still differences between the comics and the movie.. so lots to anticipate too… muz give credit to the animator… din really like the male lead.. cos he’s much fatter and less “x” factor as the one drawn in the comics.. and the one on TV has double chin form whatever angle the camera shot him… made him look ugly..overall, other than the lead being not vey gd looking to look at, the show is nice by itself…
The show ended abt 11.20pm.. we were walking towards the mrt when the announcement came.. last train from Vivo, leaving in 10min time.. oh my, the last train at Vivo actually at 11:30pm.. can you imagine the volume of crowd at Vivo and yet the last train leaves so early… smrt shld really relook at the train services timing… anyway, that’ll ibky affect me if I’m out on wkday with my frenzs and there’s no dear to chauffeur me ard.. oother than that, I’ll just leech on to dear =P ke ke ke…
Mei Mei Early Birthday Celebration……
Celebrated Tingyu’s birthday early this year, on the 28th (her bday is on the 29th).. I bought a cake from my hse and the 3 siblings gave her an ang bao…
That night, meixin (my cousin) bf, Rukai came over for dinner.. it’s a specially arranged dinner cos granny is here and she wanna to see him..
We all know that the interview time had came… at the dining table, when Rukai and Meixin were dining, Ah Ma walked up to the table and asked “我可以坐下来看你们吃饭吗?”
Which normal guy who is dating the old lady’s granddaughter will reply the granny and says “NO”? of course, he said Yes… so in the end, through out the dinner, questions and answers were flying across the table.. like “你家有几个人?“ , “你做那一行?”.. The conversation become so interesting that me and mei mei (who are very kapo) keep looking for excuses (like washing cup, drinking water etc etc) to go to the kitchen… the scene is really funny.. I can bet my life on this one…
As usual, my granny pulled the same trick on Rukai as what she did on my dear.. she asked the ultimate question “ 为什么你没有买车?有车很好,你应该去买.” .. ha ha ha.. we like watching show like that.. real drama… dear understand the best becos the car part thingy happen to him too =P
After a hard dining + interview.. the couple really looked tired… they finally got off the hook when my cousin arrived for dinner.. I loan them my hand.. quickly shoving them to look at my wedding pictures.. my cousin is even grinning at me when she moved out from the kitchen to the living room… ke ke ke..
The night ended with us singing a happy birthday song for mei mei… and a game of painting cat faces… as usual, given the naughty characteristics of all my family members, we started to put bit and bit of the cream from the cake onto each other faces… Rukai was shocked when he saw this but this is us.. well, guessed that’s part of the way to welcome him into the family also =P
X’mas celebration……
22nd December
Me & dear took leave on this day, with the plans to go Johor to shop.. but atlas, the weather is not in our favour… so sad.. in the end, we decided to catch a late night show at Jubilee.. watched Eragon.. not as nice as the preview.. no climate along the way and the show is rather short… however we’re expecting a 2nd one coming out soon, juding from the ending.. hope the 2nd one would be better..
23rd December
Went with dear to his colleagues, Samuel’s hse.. it’s located at Joo Chiat, quite near to the red light district.. Sam shared his apartment with his girlfriend, Julie…
Took the wrong entrance from the main road.. dear did not want to travel so much and made one big round.. so in the end, we did the reversing of the car all the way through a way one street to come to the entrance of Sam’s condo, The Legenda… his apartment is quite exclusive… one little corner.. the deco is classy.. very stylish.. but me and dear do not like the lighting.. think it’s too business like and too romantic (dark dark lighting)… me & dear prefer more cosy lighting.. more family like hse…
I like the way Sam did up his walls, leading to the bedrooms.. the walls are full of pictures of him and Julie (from young to now) and when they are together.. told dear that I’m gg to take this as one of the example to do up our new hse in the future =P
Sam took us to look at his bathroom… liked the sinking bath tub.. remind me of the hotel’s bath tub.. ohh.. I missed holidaying =P
Has a potluck at Sam’s hse.. had lots of varieties of food.. and all the foods are delicious.. yummy yummy..
After dinner, we had a chit chat session, the girls as a group abd the guys as a group.. I talked to Julie and Mei Mei abt married life.. Julie going to move in with her in-laws next yr.. so we exchanging little little tips… 2 of dear’s female colleagues thought I was very quiet and the very soft spoken type.. and that dear muz be the very dominating one… they even told me I was the kind that sound like this :
Me : “Dear, can you come over and sit with me to chit chat with us?”
Dear : “No, I’m busy chatting with my friends here.”
Me : “Ok, never mind then. You carry on chit-chatting. I’ll carry on mine too.”
Ha ha ha.. I had a real good laugh with dear, in the car, on our way back… in the 1st place, why would I wan dear to join me in the all girls’ conversation? 2nd, why would dear talk to me in such way… the female bankers are all so weird.. y muz they be always controlling the guys..
Me and dear had a common understanding.. we would have our own individual area.. oso we’ll take turn to be boss…at home, I’ll be boss… outside, he’ll be boss.. I’m absolutely ok with that, though most of the time, dear still give way to me =P (grateful to you for that).. in any case, the relationship between me and dear is something like bf & gf, friends, siblings etc etc etc.. all kinds that I can think of.. sometime, we are not even like hubby and wife.. but both of us liked this kind of relationship.. so cheers to our marriage..
24th December
Had a potluck session at Lin Ling’s hse on the eve of x’mas.. had a great time, eating away… this time rd, we’ve got 2 babies, instead of 1.. the new joiner is Justin (yuling’s baby)…. He’s adorable.. a very tough guy… now, he’s still young and can’t play ard yet.. but wait till he grew… at that time, him and jovin will be the terrorists of the grp…..
I brought my wedding album and my travel montage (Taipei and Australia) for the gangs to see.. a pity is that the wedding montage still not ready.. just called the videographer… hope that it would be ready by this wk or early next week… looking forward to the next outing (for Chinese new year reunion dinner)…