World cup time....
dear's favorite soccer season is here again, after 4 years.
still rem the last one where dear and i sat in front of liat towers where there used to have a big screen there... watched one of the matchs there with lots of strangers. think it's the senegal match against who... i can't rem.. maybe dear will rem.. though strangers, but guess we all have a common passion - soccer...
this yr, my dear is even more crazy than before.. became a "fund manager" for world cup. him and his dear colleagues' called this an "investment". each invests S$400 to come up with a pool of fund for use against s'pore pools (for betting, u mean).. to me, it's merely gambling... but then my mum & mum-in-law support him.. says once every 4 years, rare opportunity + this is 1 form of distress and entertainment, so why not... y is everyone on his side....
sigh... look like i also have to support...hope my dear win $$.. not only 50% but hope it's 100% =P
Eager to see my wedding photos
me and dear went for our wedding photo shoot on 19/05/2005. great day. no rain + sunlight not that glaring.... had a tired but wonderful day. had fun with our photographer - TY and my MUA - Ivy alot. Tks to them for their efforts and endless help that day -Pbrought lots of thingys for our photo shoots... (1) my sleeping companions, TIGGER & POOH - dear bought it for me as a surprise when I went China on duty travel.. i love surprises =P(2) our wedding bears - we bought one pair of bears in wedding gown and suit, with the intention of placing them in front of our wedding car. I made two hearts, with our names sewn on the heart. I copied the idea from a website.. will go and take pics of our bears with our names on it & post the pics up on my blog.
(3) brought my carebear along - dear gave it to me when I was back in audit, gg through my terrible peak period. was feeling very very down and sian at that time. dear came & visit me at my wk place and gave me this. another sweet surprise. it's a birthday bear with a muffin and a lighted candle on its tummy. this carebear is now with me in office. looking at it everyday makes me think of dear and be happy =P(4) bottles of cranes and heart - the very 1st birthday gift we gave each other. dear took lots of effort to learn how to make cranes and made me 19 on my 19th bday. I made the hearts in returns. took these gifts to the beach for e photoshoots....(5) golf sets - dear is in for golfing now.. spents lots on the set.. with his growing interest.. how can we leave them out for the photo shoots? recently he's into his hp golf game.. "below 90. pls say power" is his favorite sms phrase no... ha ha hs, but i always refuse to admit it..TY says the photos will be ready after the 29th (10 days later). now am waiting for him to call to view the photos. hope they tuen out gd..
1st attempt at Blog
It's the 1st attempt of creating my own blog... pretty excited abt it.. after looking at Jovin's blog, am really looking forward to pen my BIG DAY preparation and how i spent the last 1/2 yr of singlehood down on my blog... Had more or less settled down on my job (4 mths since I 1st started). Now finding it faster and easier to complete my wk. So > free time to create my own blog. guess it'll be something to walk me down the memory lane in future =P