World cup time....

dear's favorite soccer season is here again, after 4 years.
still rem the last one where dear and i sat in front of liat towers where there used to have a big screen there... watched one of the matchs there with lots of strangers. think it's the senegal match against who... i can't rem.. maybe dear will rem.. though strangers, but guess we all have a common passion - soccer...
this yr, my dear is even more crazy than before.. became a "fund manager" for world cup. him and his dear colleagues' called this an "investment". each invests S$400 to come up with a pool of fund for use against s'pore pools (for betting, u mean).. to me, it's merely gambling... but then my mum & mum-in-law support him.. says once every 4 years, rare opportunity + this is 1 form of distress and entertainment, so why not... y is everyone on his side....
sigh... look like i also have to support...hope my dear win $$.. not only 50% but hope it's 100% =P
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