Adorable Cousins Visit….
My lawyer uncle came visiting us on Sunday with my auntie and the 2 terrorists, from Malaysia.. Monday was a public holiday for them.. guess why m’sia has public holiday,, cos it’s the starting of the Malays fasting month.. like that also have holiday.. how come we dun have?
Anyway, the 2 baby boys are very cute.. actually not baby anymore too.. Yongjie is 7yrs old and Zhijie is already 3yrs..
Bought my aunite and Yongjie out shopping at Chinatown in the afternoon.. Zhijie is “instructed” to have an afternoon nap at home… by the time we are home, Zhijie had woken up…
Zhijie a very quiet and adorable baby…dear and me bought him to NTUC and say we’ll buy yummy yummy for him to eat.. he went ard jumping and skipping ard NTUC.. guess he seldom have a chance to go outside and play (cos my uncle & auntie very strict).. every time he wanna to buy something, he will look at me with his bright eyes.. though he din talked, he will look at me as if asking for approval… when you look at him, it’s hard to say no…in the end, we ended at buying a lot of things for him.. he’s such a happy baby..
We went Jumbo seafood for dinner.. Zhijie is a greedy baby.. always willing to try all the food that is on the table.. and I muz say his taste is gd.. we had hashima with rock sugar.. that’s expensive things and he liked it a lot…
Planned to get the 2 biys to help “jump on my wedding bed”.. hope my uncle will bring them out more regular…
Message in A Bottle…
It’s our habit (actually it’s dear one cos he water trash bin.. ke ke ke) to put water in the car.. .. that day, dear finished a bottle of water and the bottle is pending to be thrown away.. at the same time, I had some rough paper that is also awaiting to go into the dustbin..
Just like normal chores, I simply roll the waste paper and put it into the bottle… hmm.. din know why I do that but reflex action, I gave the bottle with the waste paper inside and told dear that I’m giving him a “Message in A Bottle”…
To return my gesture, I insist that dear should also give me a “Message in A Bottle”… and these are the things that he should take note when he gave me the bottle.. upon hearing that, dear almost fainted =P
I told him I wanna a nice, glass bottle with ribbon on it.. and I wanna a hand written message inside the bottle. The message muz be self written and the content muz be self constructing one.. no copy of songs lyrics (that’s dear fav move when I ask him for a love letter..)..i went on and on…
Ha ha ha.. I muz applauded myself for coming up with this.. gave dear a outta “Message in A Bottle” and request a nice nice one back.. but anyway, dear promise to give me one.. so I’m now waiting =P….. Yeah…
Romantic Saturday…
We went down Orchard to collect our make our photos on Saturday.. was supposed to get it a week ago but we went for spa session… anyway, the pics are really gd.. the guys there remember dear more than me cos during the photo shoots, dear wore a polo tee and ¾ berm.. and he acted as the poor hubby during the shooting (one of the few shoot have me pulling dear’s ears etc etc.. very funny).. planned to go on a search for those frame with 5 pockets to put the pics to hang them up on the wall.. yeah..
Went to Holland Village for dinner after collecting the photos since HV is close to orchard.. never been there for a very very long time now.. we used to go there during our sch days in Uni.. I’ll meet dear at Clementi interchange and from the interchange, we’ll catch a bus to go to HV.. the bus ride, though time consuming is romantic cos those are the time that me and dear will talk about our time in sch.. our lives and etc etc etc.. miss those days now, esp since we have gotten a car and the time spent on the bus is getting lesser and lesser..
Had crystal jade again.. but this time is kitchen.. as usual, Chinese food is dear fav cos he uncle mah… after dinner, we shopped ard in Holland Village shopping centre.. old building but surprising got quite a few shops inside.. we purely went for window shopping only cos the things inside are quite “auntie”.. guess they are meant for the rich Tai Tai staying ard in Holland Village.. but the restaurant outlet there increased since olden days.. but some old restaurant still remain.. like NYDC.. the one which we visited many yrs back then for my bday celebration.. hmm, the memories are so sweet… Hagen Diaz is still there too.. we had ice-cream after the shopping too, tks to the birthday voucher from Citibank =P
I’m sure dear and me will go there again for another romantic dinner…
The night ended with an old activity for dear and me.. a movie session at AMK jubilee.. caught the show The Banquet… story line is nothing but the fighting is cool.. or should I say beautiful… Daniel Wu is simply COOL… both me and dear are impressed by him.. for both his acting.. the way he carried himself.. will catch the next show that has him in it =P
This is the 1st day that dear turned 29.. and we spent it doing all those romantic things that we used to do during sch days,, quite a meaningful day indeed… =P may the romance being ever lasting…
The day that dear turned WISE and OLD…
On Thursday night, dear dropped by my place at 11plus, after a dinner gathering with his colleagues.. one of his colleagues farewell cum birthday…he wanted to countdown to his 29th birthday together with me.. it was quite a pleasant surprise cos the next day is a working day and dear usually quite tired on wkday.. Especially dear is working very hard this last 2 weeks of September..
At the strike of 12… I wished dear HAPPY BIRTHDAY.. of course, dear best buddy din forget his birthday too.. but muz give credit to lin ling cos she’s the one who remind wenqiang of the time.. dear and I din take leave on Friday cos dear is running his target and he need the time too… anyway, we have the whole weekend to ourselves, so why worry abt not having 2 二人世界….
On dear actual hatch day, we went to orchard for dear fav food… uncle food.. crystal jade xiao long bao… dear went home early that day and we took the car out.. the food is yummy yummy, though the wait is rather long to get a table.. almost 45 min to 1 hr.. but in the end, worth the wait..
Later that day, we went serangoon garden for a coffee session.. xia xia came back from US already.. yeah, hip hip hurray… she’s one of my sister for my wedding and she went US with dom (dom is posted to US to work for 2 years..)…a pity that dom can’t make it back cos he got an exercise somewhere at that time.. it’s a nice experience for the old frenzs to chit chat the young night away..
As usual, you can see dear trying hard to win the hearts of the sisters.. of course, we give him face too cos his birthday mah.. but guess it’s fated and destined that dear will have an unforgettable wedding day =P
Dear.. no worries.. I’ll do the very best to protect you… this is my birthday gift to you.. HAPPY 29TH BIRTHDAY..
Revamped Study Table
Sunday afternoon proves to be fruitful… gathering the things we bought, I revamped dear’s study table…. Ke ke ke..
Bought a drawer for us to put our things.. 1st storey is mine and 2nd is dear.. 3rd one is for putting away the ugly stationery like staple and the big puncher that I took from kp.. we feel that it’s too ugly to leave the stationary lying ard.. unsightful..
Start pasting all the beautiful cards onto the wall as well.. there’s PS card given to me by my frenzs.. and of course the cards that I made for dear during his birthday and for our anniversary.. as to regards to the one that he gave me for our anniversary.. it’s currently lying in my hse, on my dressing table.. not bringing it over to dear’s hse yet.. wan to see it still every morning when I woke up and put on my make up.. wil bring it over after the wedding.. so that it’ll be with me always..
Put up a white board calendar too.. for easy reference to our activities.. since we’re gg to live tog soon, feel that we shld start with a joint ke ke.. actually all these are my idea =P
Tentatively just tidy up the main study table only.. with regards to the last wardrobe.. that’ll have to wait cos I’m simply too tired + lazy after the few hrs of revamping..
Take a look… I’m impressed too by the change =P
After a tired afternoon of cleaning and revamping the study table, we went for a buffet dinner at Furama River Front Hotel… 3 person is treating… Mei Mei & Hanzhong just got their 1st pay not long ago… Dear just got his 2nd quarter commission =P
Nice deco… nice and huge varieties of food… good services too… tried the chocolate fountain (?? Not sure how to spell the actual word.. but got meaning can already..) with marshmallow… it’s yummy yummy… dear din tried that.. he, being too uncle, went for the noodles, pineapple rice and 2 huge bowls of soups… SO UNCLE…
Did 3 Ss on Saturday… So happy.. FIRST S…Went to spa in the late afternoon… it’s called Spa Village, located along bukit timah road…this is supposed to be birthday treats for the 2 of us, the sep babies… we tried 2 treatments.. the hot lava stone aromatherapy massage (1.5hrs) and ear candling (45mins).. We were using one of the couple rooms.. it’s very quiet and the whole treatment process is very tranquil.. this is also the 1st time I went top naked.. ke ke ke.. for dear is ok cos he’s a guy.. for me, kind of weird cos the thai massage that we went to in Citi Square also never require us to go naked.. but luckily I still have a piece of towel to cover.. but still uncomfortable cos towel not bofy hugging mah… but it’s really an eye opener though..Ear candling was ok.. no feeling through out except for the zzzz sound at the ear.. but the dirt from our ear was quite substantial.. that’s wat the massager says.. she showed us the things but me and dear looked and looked but no difference.. ha ha ha.. anyway, that’s only an experience.. dun think we are gg to try ear candling again.. Hot lava stone aromatherapy massage was nice for me.. they used the normal stroking massage methods, with the hot lava stone to stroke your body and pressed down on certain strategic points.. though the stone is hot, but I feel really comforty.. dear is not that comforty though cos he worried abt his leg hairs… scared that the stone are too hot and it will burnt his leg hairs.. ha ha ha.. Anyway, becos of the gd experience that we had with spa village, we decided to take up a village package… for a certain amt, we’re could get S$100 free of extra treatment.. we can choose to utilize any treatment and there is also a 10% discount off from the treatment in the month of our birthday… for sep, we actually utilize all those.. ke ke ke.. so happy and so looking forward to our next spa session in October =P
After the spa session, we went to plaza sing to meet juan juan to get the wedding songs.. decided to shop at spotlight and carrefour.. bought a quilt from spotlight as it’s the members’ weeks.. so got promotions… bought a drawer and some miscellaneous stuff for dear’s room revamp-sion.. enjoyed the shopping very much though they are not for buying of clothes, bags and shoes…
Later that night, we met up with wenqiang and linling at Kovan, the Hong Kong café for supper… yup, we visited the café again… the 3rd time this week… there was no linking up initially… all tks to the rain that resulted in linling and baby jovin to be stuck at home, and not able to meet wenqiang in jurong point…well, I think the 2 hubbies muz be laughing away… looked at the grin on their face and you’ll know… had a happy time out there chit chatting the night away… like those days where we visited KL tog… no baby ard this time, so full concentration was given to the wives to pour out all those disgusting things that the hubbies did… now, I only had limited things to add on the lists but I’m sure things will be different once me and dear start living on our own… now our hse is half way up… hope it’ll be done up soon =P
Long but fruitful week =P
this is a long long week... after so long, finally Fri already.. though this is a long week, i muz say this is also a fruitful week...on tuesday, we collected the wedding bedsheet that we had placed order.. so happy abt this...can;t wait to see it nicely placed down on our bed =Pon wednesday, i had my office pc changed.. a total new set came in.. quite powerful.. inside also had movie maker software.. used it to make my montage.. it's a draft.. quite like the transition effect that the software has.. burnt it into a disc. awaiting to try it on dear's hse dvd player..on thursday, we went down to collect our wedding invitation card.. ivory in color.. liked it a lot cos it look classy... had to finalise the 1st draft of the guest list soon =P dear also bought a new pair of leather shoes for the wedding.. nice pair.. shop was introduced to him by his colleague, Sam... not very ex but gd design =Plater that evening, we had dinner at this new restaurant.. it's called new york new york... it's at city link, where nooch used to be.. guess nooch no biz, so taken over by this.. the deco is cool.. food average price.. but taste is gd.. variety of food is also nice... i got a candy floss too at the end of the dinner, FOC from the restaurant.. so sweet.. there is also a pool table in the middle of the restaurant... guess now that marfche is gone, this will become my next fav restaurant and the new hang out place for dear and me...thank god, today is Fri.. so looking forward to it.. cos once Fri is here, the next day will be Saturday.. tom, dear and me going for a spa cum ear candling session... imagine the candle at your ear... the hot lava stone on your back... can't wait for tom to come..=P
September Babies...
Today for lunch, we had catered in KFC… catering is very troublesome here cos the delivery man had to do identity clearance.. tight security here.. so catering fast food is only for special occasion…
Today there is special activity… we, the sep babies are celebrating our birthday… me and bj birthday are over, so we just had to go through the norm and blow the candles… doreen’s birthday is on the following day.. so we decided to give her a surprise… we bought a cake and hide it in the fridge.. plan to give her a surprise..
During lunch, we “pretend” to do up the conference room table for our KFC… some gals went to prepare the cake.. put the candles in place and to light the candles… when we close the light and instruct the girls to bring the cake in… Doreen even thought that we are switching the lights… it is a successful surprise…=P There are 3 big candles on the cake, so each one of the birthday girl blew out one candle… never done this before… but
Had an enjoyable lunch cum birthday celebration…
Monday Not Blue…..
This is definitely not a blue Monday… Dear got off work at 430pm… can you imagine anyone knocking off that time…well, If I used to be in audit, I’m sure I can do that too…actually, I got off not too late too.. at 515pm, I was already down at the bus bay, waiting for my transport..
Dear and I went home separately… later a little after 7pm, dear came to pick me up in our little Getz… We spent our Monday evening at Bishan Junction 8… Had dinner at the food court.. dear tried his luck at laska.. but atlas, eat like baby like that… got red dots over his t-shirt…feel like making him wear a cover over his neck …
Did some wedding shopping today… bought those daily necessities for the guo da li… tks god that almost all the minor minor things are almost done… we also bought a set of bedsheet from aussino… choose my fav color - sky blue.. mei mei & hanchong will be paying for this set as a wedding gift to me…
Wedding shopping list is almost complete… now waiting for Home Style to call me with regards to my wedding day bedsheet and a trip to ikea.. oh, yes yes, and to buy curtains… =P
Will be going to town this Saturday.. guess it’s another wedding shopping trip again =P
One Link Up…. Made possible by the wives…
We planned to meet our couple frenzs, wenqiang & linling on sat night but it was relatively late and they had babies with them.. so we cancelled the link up at hougang mall… in the end dear and I went to the big pasar malam at hougang mall… I bought a precious moment storage box to contain my facial products and some cute wrapping papers to wrap gifts…
Dear was quite upset by the no link up.. he even got running nose after that.. he was perfectly alright until the call from wq came to cancel the link ip.. so disgusting the 2 hubbies.. din meet for a week, and they become so unbearable…
In the end, ling ling and I scheduled a link up session at night at heartland mall… saw the adorable jovin… jovin lost more weight than the last time i saw her.. growing up stage, so burning more fats…
We shopped for a while at heartland mall… dear and I placed order for a set of bedsheets that we both liked… it’s quite modern.. a single color but yet the set will come in real perfect for newly wed like us… there’s no more stock at the shop, so now, we waiting for orders to come in…
Later the night, we had a supper session at Xin Wang Hong Kong Café at the old Burger King… this café is 24hrs on wkend.. the inside is really very hong kong style… the food has lots of variety… from taiwn, hong kong, macau, got western also.. lots lots lots… the food are very yummy and came in quite big portion… but prices not very ex too
Dear and I are planning for a meet the sisters and brothers session in early nov.. got a namecard from this café.. if possible, we’ll dine here.. well sisters, do look forward to this day and I’m sure you’ll find some pampering from the groom himself and his brothers (especially those with wife and wife to be in the sister team)… this is called sudden change of attitude when they knew trouble is near…. Ha ha ha… so excited abt the meet up ...
Our New Room To Be…
On Sat, we’re one step closer to having a room by ourselves… me & dear are in the mid of clearing his room, so that we can make space for my things to be moved in….
We cleared 2 of the top cupboards… found some weird things…
Top on the list: -
Dear’s school files… can you image tutorials and lectures notes of his CE classes?? Oh, by the way, just to remind all readers, dear has graduated from uni since 2002… hee hee.. 4 yrs already and his things are still intact.. but I must say, the conditions of the things are quite ok… just that the papers began to turn yellowish… erk…
Lots and lots of photo frames… and tea cup sets…
Discovered lots of photo frames and tea cup sets inside the cupboard.. majority given to us by our frenzs during our rom… planned to decorate my new hse with these photo frames… saw lots of photo frames from ikea catalogue that I wanna buy too.. oh my god, my new hse will be full of pics =P
We also came upon this obiang looking photo frames… it’s has those cushioned, floral borders.. wonder who ever bought that and give it to us a gift.. the buyer simply got no taste.. after some fun on the frame, the frame of course ended up in the dustbin =P
Discovery of Olden Days
Mange to uncover some magazines too.. they are the precious of my father-in-law.. the magazines had his pics in them when he used to take part in singing competition in the olden days… can you image, the magazine are dated 1972… oh my god, dear is not even born yet.. dun think can find these magazines nowadays.. no wonder my father-in-law treated it like diamonds….
After clearing up the cupboard, dear and I start planning on what should our room layout be like… actually dear has not much comment.. he says he’ll be pleased with what I decide.. ke ke ke.. came up with an initial room layout below..but keep your finger crossed….. the layout is definitely subjected to changes cos I’ve yet to visit Ikea… saw the ikea catalogue… tag lots of pages on the things that I wan to buy… dear almost faint…so I will assume the floor plan will change after a fruitful visit to ikea.. ha ha ha..
Friday… Supper Night Out…
Spent a lazy Friday today… dear and I went home separately to bath and changed.. while waiting for dear to pop by, I went on to the internet to search for wedding songs.. for all events, video montage, wedding march in, 1st dish, during the course… lots and lots of songs I downloaded…
Dear and I went through them after he came… quite happy that we short listed some… we’re one step closer to our completed video montage…
Later, dear had his supper at Jalan Kayu… quite some time since we last came… our fav hang out prata store actually closed down… the one that we liked and frequent is at the far end from the carpark… services is average.. but prata and mee goring is superb.. but on top of all, we actually liked the half noisy yet peaceful enough for me and dear to chit chat into the night… the prata shop is long gone.. guess it’s the competition… so sad…
After dear had his supper, we drove to SengKang Central…. Tos ee our new hse to be…yeah… hip hip hurray… our new hse is now 8 storey high.. think the max height of our flat is 15 storeys… not bad, it’s almost half done.. so happy…the best part is that we are reading the contractor’s update outside the site.. the board used to write expected date of completion is Dec2008… now it’s Dec2007…. Yeah… should be able to get our flat next yr, if there is no hip-up… so looking forward to our love nest =P
Birthday Celebration…
Birthday Celebration Part 1
My old frenzs celebrated my bday for me today (just like the good old days when we were still in secondary school).. we had porridge steamboat lunch at AMK…
It was nice meeting up with them.. the 4 gals (only 3 were there cos Xia Xia is in US now.. she coming back mid Sep…) are going to be my sisters for the wedding… we were sharing abt gossips / giving updates on our old frenzs… sharing tips abt takaning the hubbies… ha ha ha… and of course, my dear start panicking.. he began serving the gals… giving the chicken wings… buns… etc etc.. the scene was really very funny… but dear, u muz work extra hard… dun think these little gestures are sufficient…
Peiling is planning to get rom at the end of this yr, after my wedding, with mingfang… congrad… congrad… they also signed up a package with Bridal Concept.. wat a coincidence… well Mingfang, u better start learning from junwei on how to treat the sisters better and stop bullying me =P but me and ah juan they all will surely make your wedding a memorable one… just like the one that my dear is going to have.. I’m sure his will also be very MEMORABLE…
Birthday Celebration Part 2
My families celebrated my bday with me in the evening today… my mum did the cooking… noodles with tea leaves eggs (meant to replace mee suan & eggs)… we had this practice at home that all birthday girls / boys must eat this… she also threw in some self fried popian and chicken wings.. the dinner was marvelous…
Later I had a birthday cake… it is an ice-cream cake from Swenson (they are compliments from sis and her bf)… so sweet… the cake is yummy yummy… this is indeed an unforgettable birthday… =P
Countdown to My Birthday… 3… 2… 1…
Planned to have Suntec Marche for dinner on the eve of my birthday… Marche is one of dear and me fav hangout place.. we used handout at the one at Orchard (HMV) but it closed down.. so sad, so initially planned to go to the one at Suntec… but never realized that the makeover took us almost 2hrs.. in the end, we decided to settle for a simple dinner at Orchard…
Decided on the ex Lips Café… when we went there, we realized that had been closed down… seem like we had never visited Cineleisure for quite some time… lost touch with lots of changes… change of plan… decided to have dinner at this new place at the 2nd floor, next to the neoprints shop… called “Hong Kong Wang Jiao Tea Hse”.. something along that line… it used to be a steamboat outlet where pple can make DIY ice-cream.. but that is gone too.. Vut alas… queue is too long for us to wait.. so decided to venture into the 24hr café, also on the 2nd floor, near to the escalator.. the atmosphere is real gd.. we had a window + cushioned seats meant for 4… the menu is also gd.. so many things that looked yummy that we wanna to order.. in the end, we settled for 1 main dish + 2 desserts.. u shld look at the dessert.. it’s really yummy yummy… the café din disappoint us… we had a really gd fill =P
Spent the countdown to my bday in the Cinema… we caught the show. “The Devil werrs Prada”… it’s a nice show… simple story line but touching.. with a gd morale story behind the scenes.. I’ll give it 2 thumbs up if you ask me abt the show…
Simple way to countdown my birthday… with dear beside me… I’m so lucky =P
Birthday Gift from Metro…
During early last week, I received a birthday card from Metro last week… among the cards are vouchers, out of which there are 2 that make my eyes go “BLING BLING”…
1st voucher entitled me to 2 time 20% discount off any item(s) purchased in the month of Sep… haven bought anything yet.. but I can’t wait to lay my hands on the clothes… and bags… and shoes…
2nd voucher entitled me to a free make over + a photography session at The Makeover Inc at Orchard Mandarin Hotel… this is for the 1st 500 appts made for the month, so I quickly called to book for an appt…
Went for the make over on Sat… dear accompany me for the makeover and I requested for him to be in the shot also… topped up the free package with a mere S$12… well, not that expensive… never knew that The Makeover Inc is so professional.. though mine is a free package.. they did a good make up and a simple hairstyle for me… spent almost hald an hour plus on me… dear got so bored that he wander off to buy chips and drink to makan while waiting for me…
The funny part is that all the pple at The Makeover Inc were shocked by how dear dressed.. well, those who are closed to him will know that he’s rather rugged… so that day, he came in his ashworth Polo-T, giodarno ¾ pants and his puma track shoes… it looked normal to me, in fact, I found him rather well dressed.. but the reaction from the professional was “Huh… you just came like that?” and “Did you bring any clothes for the photo shoots?”… I almost laughed and fell off my chair….
I wanted a casual shooting, so I just told the photographer to go ahead.. just make me in the lime light and not him.. hee hee hee… the photographer is gd… a very funny guy… guessed all photographers are of common characters.. if not, how can they be photographers, right?? My bridal photographer is also like him…
We did some funny shoots during the shoot… like I “bullying” dear… they are funny.. the pics are quite well taken.. we like them quite a lot but in the end, we only chose 5 pics for development (by the way, 1 of the pic has me pulling dear’s ears.. it’s quite funny…) cos shold not spend too much… anyway, when the photos are ready for collection, I’ll posed it on the blog.. ha ha ha…
My next task is to shop for a gd photo frame to put in the photos.. saw one which I like from Makeover Inc, but they quoted me S$110 for the frame and doing touch up in the photos.. too ex… I’ll DIY and I’m sure the $$$ will be lower and the effect will be similar… so looking forward to see the photos… (that’ll be 2 weeks from now =)