Moment of Truth…

The secret was finally out of the bag on Monday Night… Dear came over my place to fetch me & cos dad & mum wanna see how is his injuries… Later sis asked him how he got injured…he slipped his tongue and said he was drunk…. Do you hear me??? HE WAS DRUNK… I stared at him… with the anger accumulating inside… serve him right for getting hurt… old man already, still doesn’t know how to take of himself… at that time, think he dun deserved any sayang and combo (massage) from me….
But atlas… I still gave in… why why why… shld punish him and make him SHOP TILL HE DROP while in Taipei… anyway, shopping only need legs & not hands, so won’t be inflating his wounds… Ha ha ha…
Visited the doc at TTSH A&E Review Clinic again on Tuesday morning…Took an urgent half day leave from my boss… my boss asked me y so urgent take leave… told him that dear was hurt… but couldn’t bring myself to tell him he got drunk & start climbing windows… in the end, ended up telling him he got hurt while in mid of “team building exercise”…ha ha ha.. guess there’s nothing wrong too when I said team building… at least in the context of his colleagues, I guessed… they would have argued that drinking tog and playing tog is an exercise to build teamwork and foster relationship… sigh.. to me, that’s whole load of BULLSHIT…luckily… no serious after effect of dear’s injuries… OR ELSE…SORRIE, I CAN’T IMAGE…
The nurse at TTSH taught me how to change dear’s wound dressing…we going Taiwan, and dear’s wounds need cleaning & change of dressing every 2 days…so I’ll be the nurse for the Taiwan Trip… Under the instruction of the nurse, we bought loads of things from the hospital retail pharmacy to bring to Taiwan.. all for the purposes of changing dear’s wound dressing… but I can tell you… it’s pretty scary, cos dear’s wound is quite bad… I scared of blood… so gotta change the dressing for him is a challenge for him… hope I do a good job…
Lastly, latest update on dear’s injuries…
Left arm and left back: Only exterior abrasion on the surface… no fractures or serious infections
Left arm (pt of injection): 2 days ago, dear is still feeling feverish and his arm is aching and in pain… doc says that’s normal… this morning, dear told me the arm is getting better. HURRAY =P
Left ring finger: Doc can’t close the wound, so only choice is to let it heal by itself.. which will take at least a week… meantime, have to cleanse the wound every 2 days to make sure there is no infection… doc checked his PIG finger on Tuesday morning… commented that the wound is heeling well… YEAH… another HURRAY =P
Hope my dear get well soon… snd then he can wear our wedding band again =P…
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