Dear’s Pig Finger…
Was waiting for dear anxiously to come out of the arrival hall… nowhere in sight… dear called me on Sat night and told me he hurt himself… old man of 30s already, still play things like one locked himself in the room and the other try to climb through the window to get to that guy on the other side and to try to unlock the door…and dear is the latter for your info… everyone there add together is almost 300 yrs old already.. still being playful… I was scared to death… but he reassured me that it’s light injury…
When I saw him… his was not light injury, though not those harsh one too.. he got bandages on his left hand 3rd finger, left hand ring finger… left elbow and left arm… u call that light injury… oh my god…
Discovered that he’s an even bigger, bigger, bigger cannon when at home later that evening…. I asked dear how’s his injury… he showed me his back… oh my god, how can that be a light injury… I CRIED… dear’s left side of his back was totally hurt… got abrasion on his whole left back… that’s never, never a light injury for god sake…dear dun even dare to let mummy see….Dear mus compensate me for the tears that I dropped….
Went to his GP later that night for him to review the wounds.. did those nerve test etc etc… seemed like everything fine but his GP referred him to go for a tetanus jab at the A&E dept cos dun know what it is that cut him… and he’s going to Taiwan this Fri… just in case…
At Tan Tock Seng Hospital, dear did a check up… doc commented that his back is quite bad looking… instructed for a chest x-ray to be done to make sure no fracture… the doc removed dear’s bandage on his ring finger… oh my god, the cut was worse than what I imaged… the cut was so deep that the skin almost fell off.. still bleeding slightly… that is really a nasty, nasty cut… the doc commented that it’s a very bad cut and now becos it’s delayed in stitching the wound, they can’t do anything now, scared of infection after the stitching… can only wait now… the doc did a x-ray on his finger too… luckily… both his back and finger no fractures =P
Doc’s advise… Clean & dress the wound… Rec a tetanus jab …. Go back to A&E review clinic for follow-up check up on Tuesday… if everything fine, proceed to stitch up the wound… .. by the way, dear can’t wear his wedding ring now.. doc says his finger will swell (like pig finger) & it’s advisable to remove the ring. Now I got both the wedding bands on my ring finger =P
Luckily dear is alright… next time muz forbid him to go on any company or unit trip anymore… Dear, pls promise to take care of yourself, k =P…
When I saw him… his was not light injury, though not those harsh one too.. he got bandages on his left hand 3rd finger, left hand ring finger… left elbow and left arm… u call that light injury… oh my god…
Discovered that he’s an even bigger, bigger, bigger cannon when at home later that evening…. I asked dear how’s his injury… he showed me his back… oh my god, how can that be a light injury… I CRIED… dear’s left side of his back was totally hurt… got abrasion on his whole left back… that’s never, never a light injury for god sake…dear dun even dare to let mummy see….Dear mus compensate me for the tears that I dropped….
Went to his GP later that night for him to review the wounds.. did those nerve test etc etc… seemed like everything fine but his GP referred him to go for a tetanus jab at the A&E dept cos dun know what it is that cut him… and he’s going to Taiwan this Fri… just in case…
At Tan Tock Seng Hospital, dear did a check up… doc commented that his back is quite bad looking… instructed for a chest x-ray to be done to make sure no fracture… the doc removed dear’s bandage on his ring finger… oh my god, the cut was worse than what I imaged… the cut was so deep that the skin almost fell off.. still bleeding slightly… that is really a nasty, nasty cut… the doc commented that it’s a very bad cut and now becos it’s delayed in stitching the wound, they can’t do anything now, scared of infection after the stitching… can only wait now… the doc did a x-ray on his finger too… luckily… both his back and finger no fractures =P
Doc’s advise… Clean & dress the wound… Rec a tetanus jab …. Go back to A&E review clinic for follow-up check up on Tuesday… if everything fine, proceed to stitch up the wound… .. by the way, dear can’t wear his wedding ring now.. doc says his finger will swell (like pig finger) & it’s advisable to remove the ring. Now I got both the wedding bands on my ring finger =P
Luckily dear is alright… next time muz forbid him to go on any company or unit trip anymore… Dear, pls promise to take care of yourself, k =P…

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