Ladies KTV Night

We had a splendid dinner at one of the restaurant at Red Dot Traffic… I had pasta.. portion is just nice (small enough for a cheesy plate of pasta)… yum yum.. and the food is not too expensive too.. but then it’s only the food that is relatively cheaper….
the place is supposed to be a pub.. there’s a large screen inside the place and the seats are either very high or very low.. as such, the drinks are much more expensive.. one coke / green tea costs S$8 bucks.. can you imagine, drinking a glass of coke that is S$8??? Well, I can’t.. so all of us had ice water instead.. no choice, dining with the ladies make us look at money more carefully… we’re not going to spend on anything extra =P
After dinner, we move on to 茶人之家 for our KTV session… as usual.. my singing can’t make it.. but my colleagues, Doreen and BJ sang well… heard that Bj even went for singing class before.. the rest of us just joined in the fun to sing along… ke ke ke.. guess singing is a form of distress for us.. we even tried all those fast and band like songs.. trying to scream our way through bah..
The night ended at exactly 12mid night for us.. dear came and picked me up for the night.. tks dear, for being Mr Ahmad Lim =P.. Dear even volunteered to send 2 of my colleagues back.. bravo for dear.. know how to score points… the night was hazy.. PSI reached 80.. Hope to quickly get home.. to prevent from inhaling too much hazardous air…
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